Earth Positive

Earth Positive certification represents a rigorous environmental standard program developed specifically for the apparel industry. It aims to improve both environmental and social conditions throughout the supply chain. To obtain this certification, companies must demonstrate that they obtain their energy exclusively from renewable sources and take measures to reduce CO2 emissions. This often includes switching to green energy such as wind or solar power, as well as implementing energy-efficient processes.

In addition to the environmental aspect, Earth Positive certification also places a strong focus on fair working conditions. This includes fair wages, safe workplaces and the observance of labor rights in accordance with internationally recognized standards. The goal is to promote production that is not only environmentally friendly, but also socially just.

Products bearing the Earth Positive label give consumers the assurance that their garments have been produced in accordance with the highest ethical standards. This not only promotes awareness of sustainable consumption, but also actively supports the transformation of the apparel industry into a greener and fairer industry.

Trust through certification

The Earth Positive label stands for our commitment to the environment and social responsibility, guaranteeing that products are manufactured using renewable energy, with minimal CO2 emissions and under fair working conditions, confirming our commitment to having a positive impact on our planet by promoting and supporting sustainable practices.